"Arise, O Compatriots Nigeria's call obey"
"To serve our Fatherland with love and strength and faith"
"The labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain"
"To serve with heart and mind, one nation bound in freedom, peace and unity"
"O God of creation, direct our noble cause"
"Guide our leaders right: help our youth the truth to know"
"In love and honesty to grow and living just and true"
"Great lofty heights attain to build a nation where peace and justice shall reign"
The routinely sung National anthem of Nigeria tells of a vision
A vision of a great brotherhood founded on ideals of Patriotism, Freedom, Peace, Unity, Love and Justice
Propelled and driven by the leadership, imbibed and supported by the youth
A synergy across generations that was to yield a nation like none on the face of the earth
Indeed we are now like none on the face of the earth but for all the wrongest of reasons
The following message is for the people I have identified as the 2nd generation of Nigeria
[According to the bible ( for all non Christians: do excuse my reference to this sacred text)
Every generation is made up of 50 years and I will now apply that knowledge to the timeline of Nigeria]
The lord Lugard is famous for welding the northern and southern halves of Nigeria into one country
What you may not know, is that he actually started those plans in the year 1912
He had just resumed work in Nigeria for the second time having been transferred from his post in Hong Kong
Applying the 50 year generational rule brings us to the year 1962: the 1st Generation of Nigeria
This generation from 1912 to 1962 struggled against colonialism, against imposed leadership and won
Gaining independence with their fight and forever having their names engraved in gold
We have named monuments after them, streets, stadiums, airports and much more
We have even in some instances engaged in apotheosis of these individuals
They have earned that honour simply for one reason:
From 1962, applying the next 50 years would land us in the year 2012: This year
We are a generation that is transiting, exiting and allowing the new place and space to take charge
but we aren't quite done with our battles
We are the generation no doubt that has fought the most battles: The gruesome civil war, the various marches against military dictatorship, the struggle and attainment of democracy
Now fate offers us a new battle, a new chance to redeem our image as Nigeria's failing generation
How kind of her, Fate realizes we have with our own greed and selfishness
Which permeates every sphere of our lives destroyed the vision: NIGERIA
The 1st generation would probably be groaning in their resting places as they see the mockery we have made of their dream
The ridicule we have brought to their sweat, their toil, their blood, their NIGERIA
We in this generation are responsible for the failing economy, the dilapidated infrastructure, the surge of crime, the failure of accountability in leadership, the shocking realities that education and health are going south, the loss of international credibility: The failure of NIGERIA...now our NIGERIA
What have we done with the baton that was passed to us, do we even know where it is
What do we hope to pass on to the 3rd generation who wait in the wings, shamed to be called Nigerians
We have extinguished the roaring flame of the torch that was handed to us by the 1st generation
But all is not lost, destiny gives us one rare chance to redeem ourselves and that chance is NOW
We face a new challenge in this generation: corruption and greed in all ramifications and regards
From elected office holders, to religious leaders, from civil servants to private business owners, from parents at home to mentors in larger society, from the retiree in the rocking chair to the children playing in playgrounds everywhere
But let us remember the vision NIGERIA: A vision of a great brotherhood founded on ideals of Patriotism, Freedom, Peace, Unity, Love and Justice
Propelled and driven by the leadership, imbibed and supported by the youth
A synergy across generations that was to yield a nation like none on the face of the earth
Let us make good this time as we protest the corruption in leadership in Nigeria
But as we do that may I ask that you and I also protest the inner corruption on our insides
For if we indeed hope to make this change sustainable, it must come from the inside out and not the reverse
Those who march for change please do so bearing the vision in mind
Those who speak for change please do so bearing the vision in mind
Those who pray for change please do so bearing the vision in mind
Those who criticize and condemn the move, I pray you see the vision and act as appropriate
We are in a very precarious moment in our nation's history and what happens next to a large extent depends on us and what we do or do not do
In whatever capacity you may deem right and proper do something, do something positive and please do it now
We are in the last days of this generation and the clock is ticking.....
Well said!